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New Recharging Book Releasing Later This Year

Spring to summer this year has offered much transition in my life. I went from being a city mouse to a country mouse. Living in Northern Minnesota near the boundary waters has given me an opportunity to live closer to nature. Sometimes it feels too close, as in too close to mosquitos. But all things considered, as I settle into this new environment, I am getting into a recharging rhythm again. I find myself creating and writing more. In fact, I have been inspired to create a new Happiness Recharge Book that focuses on recharging with meditation. Without rushing the process too much, I aim to release this work later this year. I will be sure to share updates in my emails, website, and social upon its release so you know when it’s available. I wanted to share a little about this book to give you a sneak peek. This is a tool meant to help you be inspired to go within, reflect, and let your inner voice slow to allow for a quiet and calming sense come over you. There will be 52 original meditation exercises (one for each week of the year). These exercises, while simple, can be powerful. They are meant to help you find stillness in your life to decompress and let go of heavy thoughts and stress. I created these meditation exercises following a healing journey from three debilitating tickborne illnesses. For a while it was hard to trust that my healing was real, there to stay, and that my body was stable. So, this creation was an outlet for me to gain my grounding back. I was also able to put my certification as a guided imagery meditation facilitator to good use in creating these exercises, which allowed me to calm my mind, recharge, and reconnect with my body. Knowing they helped me is validation that they can help others in their recharging practices and/or healing journey. Below is a sample of one of the meditation exercises that will be included in my upcoming recharging book. I encourage you to give this exercise a try when you have some time you can dedicate to yourself to recharge. I look forward to sharing more soon on this project. May you recharge and rest often. -Kelly Stone Cramer, Happiness Recharge Author Please help me spread positivity and share with others (via social or email). P.S. I’m also writing new Happiness Recharge content and releasing one episode (chapter) at a time. I’m using Amazon’s Kindle Vella, which is a serialized reading platform where writers can release stories in short episodes. Note: It doesn’t cost anything to read the first three episodes of any series on Kindle Vella (and very minimal beyond the first three). Find the Recharge Your Happiness kindle episodes here.


The following is an excerpt from the upcoming meditation recharge book coming later this year. Before you begin: Read through this exercise fully first. Once you understand the instructions, you can begin with the exercise. Have a journal or electronic device near you to take notes following this exercise. Soothe This exercise is meant to give yourself support while understanding that even though a part of you may not be perfect, it's striving to do its best. Recognize this is an act of self-love and self-acceptance. Find a comfortable position sitting or lying down. Close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths in and out. Think of a spot on your body that has been giving you discomfort or pain. This could be happening now or recently. Next, place your hand(s) over this spot as a symbol of support, comfort, love, and recognition. Let your hands rest there for as long as you'd like. Notice your touch and warmth. Acknowledge that this part of your body, while causing discomfort, is still working hard, and doing its best. Reflect on whether there is anything in your power you can do to alleviate any discomfort or pain in this area (be that stretching, exercise, rest, or something else that comes to mind). When you're ready, open your eyes and use your journal or electronic device to jot down notes for a self-reference. Note the place on your body you were focusing on and if there is anything you can do in your power to lessen any pain or discomfort. If nothing comes to mind, appreciate that you have honored your body by giving it attention, support, and love.


A final note: Tracking your growth can act as an adult report card. It's a powerful tool that will keep you on track for where you're going and appreciate how far you've come. Click here to navigate to a free virtual retreat where one of the exercises walks you through your personal growth. More Recharging Resources:

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