Kelly Stone Cramer

Hang in there & recharge self-care often

Updated: Apr 30, 2023

Eventually, the tides will turn for the better. But for now, just hang in there (be like that hang in there cat in the infamous motivational posters/memes -- cheesy I know, but the gist never gets old and the look on this cat's face is probably just about how we all feel right now). In the meantime, here are some self-care reminders.

  • Whatever you're feeling right now, it's valid to feel those feelings. There is no wrong way to be you today.

  • It's normal to crave normalcy. 

  • Patients with yourself and with others is important in this time.

  • When you don't know how to be, be gentle (with yourself, with others).

  • Take care of your basic needs. Drink lots of fluids to keep hydrated. Eat healthy nutrients. If you cannot support your basic needs, ask for help.

  • Keeping a log of your gratitude, goals and growth can add a sense of grounding to your day.

  • Reach out to your communities/circles. Check-in on how they're doing. Share how you're doing. Burst past isolation and build your sense of community by participating in the #SocialDistancingChallenge (share a video on social of what you're up to and nominate others to do the same).

  • If you have downtime where you find yourself obsessing with the news, text or call a friend/family member saying you're having a freakout moment. Talk through it.

  • If you have the time, tap into something entertaining to give your mind a recharging rest (music or shows, i.e., Moving Art on Netflix is very relaxing and inspirational).

  • Take a deep breath. Feel the strong life-giving heartbeat in your chest. Know you are as strong as that constant rhythm.

  • If anyone wants/needs to reach out to vent or share how you're doing, you are welcome to connect with me via email at

Take care of yourself and recharge your self-care often.

Kelly Stone Cramer