Kelly Stone Cramer

Allowing for a new direction

Updated: Apr 30, 2023

Just like sunflowers naturally pivot their flower heads in the direction of the sun to get the most sunlight, we cannot prevent our own natural growth from happening.

It can be difficult to pivot in a new direction. A lot of times that means having to let go of an old one. But doing so allows for something new.

I'm allowing myself time and space away from feeling like I should create content. I started Happines Recharge nearly 10 years ago. From books, to events, to art, to online meditations, to uplifting posts and articles, to photography, and more. I grew a lot through this creation and am happy I could offer a spark of peace to others.

I am proud, but I'm also no longer the same person who started this. I am better. I am stronger. I am smarter. I am new. And the new requires breathing room to create something new in the tomorrows to come. Therefore, I'm allowing myself room to blossom in a new way. In order to create space to flourish, I am stepping away from Happiness Recharge ... for now.

I'm not sure what will come ahead, but I am looking forward to it. In the meantime, I am leaving up my site where recharge books, meditations, and art can be found.

I wish you all peace, balance, health, love, and most of all, I wish you all paths that lead you to Recharge your Happines often.

Kelly Stone Cramer
Recharging advocate for all